
CVES is a non-profit organization that is run by volunteers with all revenue generatedbeing put back into the facilities at the park. CVES built and maintains the riding rings, round pen, cross country jumps and the corrals at the park under agreement with the Metro Vancouver. Beyond maintaining the facilities, CVES organizes Dressage, Jumper and Cross-country schooling days. It also runs the exciting 3 day August Horse Trials.

Please help us continue our improvements at the park by joining CVES, either as a regular riding member or a supporting member.

Regular membership entitles you to reduced entry fees at all CVES events.

You can register on-line or by completing a form.  Completed forms can be e-mailed or posted; payment may be made on-line through PayPal, by e-transfer or by cheque.

Join now and your membership will be good until 31 Mar 2026.

CVES Membership fees
Each riding member must be a current member of Horse Council BC and provide HCBC #
— Regular member (current HCBC member) $20.00
— Supporting member (no reduced entry fees) $5.00
— Family memberships: first two members pay full rate, each additional member pays $5.00

CVES On-Line Membership Registration

Click below to register with a printed form:

CVES Membership Form (fillable pdf)   

The membership form above is a .pdf file. If you download it and open it with the (free) Adobe Reader DC, it can be filled in on your computer.  Be sure to save it before you send or we get a blank form! Otherwise you can just print it and fill it in by hand.