
Eventing Derby Saturday June 22

All of our shows and events are volunteer run and cannot happen without your help! Here is the link to sign up for jobs at the June Derby: Sign Up Genius.  There are a variety of positions for those with or without horse experience. Any questions please reach out to volunteers@cves.ca

Cross Country Schooling Days

We need volunteers to help open and close the jumps and to be at the desk and collect waivers.  We cannot run these schooling days without your help! For opening and closing the jumps, the more help we have the faster it goes. We will have a sign up form closer to each schooling day, or email xcschooling@cves.ca.  Thanks in advance!

Horse Trials August 9-11

Many hands are needed on deck during the big Horse Trials, and in the days (and weeks!) leading up to it! We will have specific job sign ups available closer to the event, but if you or your group is keen on a certain job or helping with any kind of preparation during the summer, reach out to volunteers@cves.ca! There are plenty of volunteer jobs that can get you close to the action or learning about the process of officials and judges, but there are also many jobs that do not require any horse experience,  so this can be a wonderful way for family and friends to enjoy the beauty of the park while supporting their riders!

Volunteers are always needed and much appreciated! Whether it is at one of our shows/events, painting jumps or general clean-up we can always use an extra pair of hands.

For information on how you can help, please reach out to Kiyomi, our volunteer coordinator at volunteers@cves.ca

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